Chantelle Smith

Starting As I Mean To Go On

Tuesday, 16th February, 2016

The first month and a bit of 2016 has pretty much been dominated by cold viruses so musical adventures have been somewhat curtailed, although thankfully not absent altogether.


The start of February saw me performing at my first gig of the year as part of Talis Kimberley’s band at the UK Filk Convention. We had an absolutely stonking set full of new songs which went down an absolute storm. As ever the Filk crowd were enthusiastic and appreciative, and it was an absolute joy to perform for them.


This weekend sees me heading off to Bath to perform ‘The Bonnie Road’ with Kevan Manwaring. It’s great to get this show out in the open a bit more as the two ballads that form the main section of the show – Thomas the Rhymer and Tam Lin – are iconic and full of rich imagery. Having not performed it since October, Kevan and I spent some time last weekend filing off the rusty edges and immersing ourselves in the tales’ performance. We’re really looking forward to performing at What A Performance.


Next month sees me and Kevan taking ‘The Bonnie Road’ up to Malvern for a performance coordinated by the wonderful Malvern Storytellers. We’ve good a few other performances in the planning so if you don’t manage to catch us in Bath or Malvern then keep an eye out on my Upcoming Gigs list as there may be others you can come along to.


In addition to the collaborative performing, I’ve also been working a little more on my own stuff. Yes, the coughs and colds have made this a tad challenging but I’ve at least managed to start my project of rough recordings of songs in my repertoire that aren’t going on the EP thanks to the power of cough mixture and lemsip. So far there’s just the one song up on my SoundCloud account – ‘Bruton Town’ – but I’m hoping to put a few more songs up there in the not too distant future. Some of the first candidates are likely to be songs from the show I did with Kevan in 2014: ‘The Snake and The Rose’.

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